Saturday, October 13, 2012

Grand Re-Opening Celebration

In January of 2011, we started work on our brand new cake decorating supply store. It took three solid months of work and was a labor of love for me. I had always dreamed of owning my own business, but it took just the right set of circumstances to bring my dream to life. Our doors opened on April 2, 2011 with the combined effort of a great many family and friends who were so supportive and willing to help. I had a vision of a charming little shop that carried all those special items that you can only find on line and no expense was spared to bring it to life.

A brief five months later, that dream came crashing down. Between the rainfall from Hurricane Irene and an additional six inches of rain in five days during the following week from Tropical Storm Lee the Wyoming Valley suffered catastrophic flooding from the Susquehanna River. On the evening of September 8, 2011 we were advised that the river would crest by the next morning at 38.5' which would have caused some flooding in the strip mall where our store is located. However, in reality the river crested at almost 43'. The flooding in our store was approximately 8' deep.

 We lost everything along with the other businesses located in the complex. Once the water receded, we began the overwhelming task of cleaning out the store. It took three days and the help of upwards of ten people to get the job done. Masks and gloves had to be worn at all were essential for walking in the mud that coated everything. It was a daunting job and I thank God everyday for the family and friends who immediately came out to help us.

It was a very difficult decision as to whether or not we would re-open. We had put so much time, effort and money into the business that the thought of starting again after just a few months was frightening. But, with the help of the Wilkes Small Business Development Center, the Pittston Chamber of Commerce, the Wilkes Barre Chamber of Commerce and an SBA Disaster Loan, we managed to open our doors six months later.

The new store is much larger than the old one. We have added a permanent classroom, restroom facilities and an additional 1000 sq. ft.of floor space. We don't have the same "charming little shop" feel anymore, but the customers still seem to love the store. Everyday is a struggle to put the store back on a solid foundation and there are days that I feel for every step forward, I'm taking two steps backwards.But, I have wonderful customers and students who have been with me every step of the way and I'm so thankful for them. They keep me going and help me keep a positive outlook.

 On Tuesday, October 30, 2012 we are finally, just a little over a year later, celebrating our re-opening. The celebration will be from 6 pm - 8 pm at the store and we hope all our customers and students will be able to stop by to help us mark the occasion. Please join us for some light refreshments and some special door prizes because without you, we would not have been able to come back.

With Our Deepest Gratitude,
Michele & Ray